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Psychological Effects of Lower Back Pain - Part I : Presentation of the Essential Aspects

Psychological Effects of Lower Back Pain - Part I : Presentation of the Essential Aspects

Pain regarded by the brain being important will definitely amplify, and those who think it is of no consequence will be lessened in effect. Pain may cause emotional distress and vice versa. Let’s come to think of it, nothing is worse than stagnancy or restriction in this world.

Perhaps, the most pathetic aspect is having all artillery to proceed or move freely; yet involuntarily you cannot just move. Such is a case of lower back pain. The pain and emotional distress from such aliments deprived ones of enjoying the free gift of nature ‘movement’; as stress makes any condition worse.

It is not a story anymore but the bitter truth that injury related to lower back pain often comes with a significant negative impact on a person’s psychological health. This is so because of the depression and anxiety caused by being in chronic pain, having reduced range of motion and because it causes sufferers to isolate themselves away from friends and loved ones. 

Although, most physician care and conditions have a remedy, the fact that many of these remedies for lower back pain had prolonged and painful recovery time. Thus, induce psychological effects that cause prolonged pain, but they invariably affect it.

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Lower back pain - anxious
Often, if these already existing psychological attitudes have abnormalities in regulating the chemistry of your brain and the normal functioning of the brain in emotional control, anxiety and disruption of attention. So you cannot control your fear; you can become worried; you expect the worst, and you cannot concentrate on anything else.


In addition to the obvious factors such as anxiety, stress and depression, other effects include perception impairment, feelings, and thoughts. The worse you think your pain will be, the worse it feels.

Change of Mood

This can have a profound impact on your mood and almost every other part of your life. "Chronic pain is something that hampers every aspect of everyday life, you cannot concentrate, cannot remember things and even influence the manner at which you relate with others.

Loss of Appetite

Lower back pain - Loss of appetite
Being emotionally traumatized can drastically affect your feeding mood. Not like before when you feed on anything of your desire, you will be asked to restrict yourself from some kind on food taught to contribute to the negative feeling. It affects your appetite, it affects your sleep. 

Pain Persistent 

Psychologically, pain persists even when the illness or injury that initiated it has healed because of the chronic metal adjustment. It takes time before readjusting back to the normal state of feeling or health being. 


Lower back pain - Fear
We see people who have serious health problems and severe pains well-preserved work, play and socializing, while others see less pathology, whose life seems to care and appear to have stop living. 

Loss of Confidence

Lower back pain - Loss of confidence
A person’s confidence in his/her own strength and abilities is also important. Feeling competent makes it easier by having a better quality of life than having this sentiment of the lack of self-confidence.

Negative Toughts 

For most people, back pain is only a minor disruption that occurs from time to time, holds in for a few days and then disappears. For others, there is no pain in the rest.
Lower back pain - negative thoughts

However, when the pain becomes chronic, it goes far beyond the physical sensation. It can also affect your feelings. Back pain can become a black hole for all the blows of life. If the back pain is better, everything will be better.
As such, those living with lower back pain may wish to incorporate massage therapy into their overall treatment plan. Psychologically, massage has the effect of inducing the brain to produce chemicals (endorphins and other hormones) that will promote emotional stability.

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