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6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40

6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40
Midlife can be one of the most stressful stages of life. Whether you are married or have little children or an empty nester, this stage of life can be very demanding in relation to what we have encountered in our early life and that yet to happened. 

Pertaining life and its challenges, pain remains one of those we experience as human beings; regardless of our age, status or nature. This is an inevitable fact that we have to go through. Often they say, pain is part of life. Truly, it is!
While some of the pains can be natural, some occur due to various activities such as lifting and carrying heavy objects, sleeping on hard mattresses, ligaments tearing or twisting, powerful exercises, hormonal factors variation are often cited to explain why women are major victims of chronic pain.

It is not a story anymore that woman at the age of 40 is approaching a part of life where all seriousness and attention should be given to her health. The reason is that at this phase of life, they juggling many things together. At this stage, the cells must be worn and need repair. Thus, causes must pain they encounter. 40s years are an important way to repair the previous mistake in lifestyle and get your weight within normal limits.
The lower back pain may be mild, moderate or severe. Mild pain can be a secondary pain in the muscles or spasm of the spine. It turns out that it is around 40 years old, women begin to feel general pain which they may suffer from recurrent related stress disorder such as thigh fasciitis and tennis elbow, bursitis, hip bursitis, leg cramps, and lower back pain mechanically inclined to the surface. However, we do what we can at this time of the workforce to maintain muscle mass. 

Recently, reports show that chronic lower back pain was significantly increased to 6.8% with low back pain history followed by active treatment in woman. They became afraid to move and begin to anticipate pain and avoid activities. Probably, you should know that such fear makes your muscles weak and tight; in turns makes you more sensitive to pain. Perhaps, you may not be aware that it is safe to move, even if you initially feel the pain. 

Exercise increases blood flow to the back, which nourishes the joints and muscles while eliminating the destructive waste of the inflammatory product. Exercise resistance, such as interval training or weight training is very important at this stage of life. If you can endure the pain as a woman to go through this article, you might as well be doing yourself good in understanding the cause of your lower back pain and how to effectively manage it.

6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40

Tailbone pain

A relatively rare cause of chronic back pain in women in the age of 40 is the tailbone pain which makes sitting painful. Your pain may occur gradually or suddenly after a contact in the area at the end of the spine.
The tailbone is often sensitive to touch. Thus sitting on anything that puts pressure on the area hurts. Constipation increases pain, but the pain decreases after discharge from the bowel. Tailbone pain affects women of all ages, but 40 is the average age of the beginning. It usually disappears within a few weeks or months, but can become chronic and affect daily life, restricting from running or bending without experience deep pain.

Thinning of the Bones

When the spine's bone is broken by bone compression, it is called compression fracture. Break usually occurs at the front of the spine, where the bone is before the collapse. The back of the bones is usually unchanged.
Lower back pain - back pain - 6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40-1
Compression greatly affects the spine from sneezing to falling, which in turn can lead to sudden and severe back pain. Women are almost likely people to have compression fractures. Indeed, thinning fractures are caused by osteoporosis, and women are much more likely to have osteoporosis.

Body Slipped

Bodies of the spine slipped when one of the lumbar vertebrae moves forward to the underneath. Movement of the vertebrae can irritate nearby nerves root, causing pain in the lower back.
Symptoms may include pain or weakness in the legs for prolonged standing or walking. Pain can be serious enough to limit your daily activity. The condition is much more common in women than men. It is more likely to develop when they are 40 or older. Weakness associated with age of joints and ligaments makes it difficult for the spine to stay aligned.

Rheumatoid Condition

Muscle pain, stiffness and tiredness are often known as soft spots areas experiencing more pain. Since the condition has an effect on the muscles, joints and bones, you may experience pain in the upper and lower back.
Lower back pain - back pain - 6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40-Rheumatoid Condition
Symptoms may disappear for some time and then reappear without a clear reason; even in a new area within the back. If you suffer from rheumatoid disease, you may have other conditions such as arthritis, depression and irritable column syndrome.
Thigh Nerves Pain
This part of the muscle stabilizes the hip joint and makes other movements possible through thigh rotation. The condition occurs when muscles deep in the lower buttocks get weak and push toward the thigh nerve.

Pressure on the thigh nerves causes pain, stiffness and sting down to the back bone. Other common symptoms include drowsy pain in the buttocks, pain when climbing stairs or climbing the hill.

For more similar articles : Lower Back Pain Treatment : Major Problems With Medicaments

Joint Dysfunction

A part of the pelvic joint has a crucial role as a shock absorber between the upper body and pelvic. But the failure of the pelvic joint to absorb the pain as a result of joint dysfunction triggers an intense pain in the lower back joint. It is a condition that affects the bone wedge formed by five condensed vertebrae forming posterior part of your pelvis; connected to the lumbar vertebra.
Lower back pain - 6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40-Joint Dysfunction
Other symptoms include pain on one side of the buttock and the lower back that radiates the lower leg. Pain usually worsens after standing for a long time, bending or climbing the stairs. It is more likely to occur in middle-aged woman.

What Happen To Your Bones After 40s?

It's an era in which the bones become thinner. In fact, one of two women over the age of 50 will experience a fracture associated with osteoporosis in their life. 
- Arthritis affects the joints and cause pain in the backbone and is common in women over age 50. 
- One of the most common reasons for back pain in woman is muscle or ligament strain. It affects all ages and is caused by strenuous lifting of heavy objects. 
- Herniated disk is a disk in the backbone projected into nerves in the spinal canal causing the pain in the legs to increase. 
- Stenosis spine is the narrowing of the spinal canal which can cause severe back pain, common in a woman over the age of 60. 
- Compression fractures can occur when osteoporotic bone thinning affects the vertebrae. This is common for women of 60 and over.

Causes of Both Mild and Severe Lower Back Pain in Woman After 40:
Prolonged sitting or standing in improper position while travelling or working in front of computer or at desk, sleeping on hard mattress, tear or sprain of ligaments, tear or sprain of paravertebral muscles, pregnancy, obesity, stress - physical or emotional, manual work - lifting and carrying heavy object, paravertebral or spinal abscess, spinal tumor, epidural or spinal hematoma.

Manual Back Pain Treatment

Awareness of chronic illness is the first step toward an early treatment to relieve pain and prevent the problem from getting worse. 
Lower back pain - 6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40 - manual back treatment
Before starting any type of treatment, important to see a specialist to develop the treatment for your condition and history of the disease. The most common treatment approaches:

- Heat Or Ice

Application of a cold pack or heating pad on the spot of the lower back pain that hurt can help suppress low back pain effect. The two alternative works. Base on your body condition and the available material. The choice is really yours.

- Manual Manipulation

This manual treatment can be applied by the qualified physician to relieve lower back pain by reducing pressure on a sensitive area of the body.

- Massage Treatment

It is thought that massage therapy improves blood circulation and reduces muscular stiffness. 
Lower back pain - 6 Possible Conditions That Can Cause Back Pain In Women After 40 - Massage Treatment
If you need or want a massage, you can choose between 80 massage therapy styles with a wide range of pressure, movement and technique applied on your lower back.

- Exercise

Fitness means being able to perform physical activity. It also means having energy and strength to feel better. You can improve your health by doing exercising programs for back and physical pain. Therapy typically includes a combination of strengthening, stretching and low-impact aerobic exercise.

- Yoga therapy

Relax your mind and then consider physical and mental health benefits available from practicing yoga.

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