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Lower Back Pain Treatment : Major Problems With Medicaments

The lumbar spine (lower part of the spine) is an extremely well-structured with mutually connected bones, joints, nerves, ligaments and muscles that work together to provide support, strength and flexibility to the body. However, this complex structure also leaves the lower part of the back sensitive to injury and pain.

While pain is considered chronic after it lasts more than three months and goes beyond the natural process of healing the body. Chronic lower back pain involves, joint problems and irritable nerve root. Back pain may be permanent or sudden, gentle or weak. The most important aspect of it is to learn about back pain treatments, including medication, exercise, and chiropractic.

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Lower Back Pain Treatment : Major Problems With Medicaments

According to the research, people who do not deal with extreme treatment have fewer complications than those who have finished running epidural injections, narcotics, magnetic resonance, x-rays, and even spinal surgery long before it is really needed. Up to 90% of episodes of pain in the back were solved in 6 weeks, either as a result of injury or due to structural or nervous problems. Of course, knowing this fact makes misery is only a little more tolerable, so try these strategies to extend the patience to relieve pain, and perhaps reduce waiting until you develops subtle magic.

However, the purpose of the treatment is to reduce the pain, but the bad news is that these treatments do not change the source of the pain but suppressed it for sometimes. Usually, a doctor will prescribe medical treatments with a physiotherapy program or some other diet inorder to have complete effect to the pain.

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Function of the Lower Back Bone

The lower back supports the upper body weight and provides mobility for everyday movements such as bending and twisting. Lower back muscles are responsible for bending and rotating hips while walking supporting the spine. The louse in the lower part of the body nourishes the feeling and improves the pelvic, leg and foot muscles.
At risk of back pain? Low back pain can begin in the age and continue in the adulthood. Studies have shown that up to 80% of the general population suffers from pain in the lower back (lower back) at some point in life. Learn how to prevent back pain, knowing what activities might endanger you.

Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

 Handling material (especially lifting), Twist, chest Move the trunk, forward Bend the trunk on one side, extended session sitting for a job, very physical business, exposure to vibration of the whole body, smoking cigarettes, obesity, extreme tallness.


More often, mechanical problems and soft tissue injuries cause back pain. These injuries may include damage to interstitial discs, compression of the roots of the nerves and improper motion of the spinal cord. The most common cause of low back pain is the muscle and / or ligament torn. Also, lifting heavy object can slightly rotate the spine. Sudden movements that transmit too much pressure on the underside such as falling may cause lower pain. Often again is the bad posture which in turn irritates the spine. Sport injuries, especially in sports involving spinning impact significant forces on the spine.

Common Symptoms of Lower Back Problems. Dull, aching pain

The pain that remains in the lower back (axial pain) is usually described as boring and painful instead of burning, bruising or sharp. This type of pain can be accompanied by mild or severe muscle spasms, limited motion and pain in the hip and pelvis.

Pain moves to the buttocks, legs and feet

Sometimes the pain of the lower back includes a sharp, pulsating, twitching or disturbed feeling that travels down the thighs and on the lower legs and feet, also known as the sci-fi. The sore is caused by the nerve irritation and is usually felt only on one side of the body.

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Pain that worsens after an extended session

Sitting puts pressure on the discs, which is worse in back pain after sitting long. Walking and stretching can quickly alleviate the pain in the lower back, but returning to the sitting position can lead to a recurrence of symptoms.
The pain is worse after waking and better after moving.
Many people with low back pain report symptoms that slow down early in the morning. However, after getting up and moving the symptoms are released. Morning pain felt is due to stiffness caused by too much periods of rest which lower blood flow during sleep.

Common medical treatments

Relaxants of muscle: This drug acts as a depressant of the central nervous system and increases the mobility of the tense muscles, relieving the pain of tension of the muscles or cramps. Muscle relaxants do not play a role in controlling chronic pain.

Narcotic analgesics: Also known as opioids or analgesics that alter the perception of pain by weakening the signals sent to the brain. Narcotics are commonly used to treat serious short-term pain, such as acute pain after surgery. Narcotics are rarely used to treat long-range pain because they have many side effects and can easily become addicts.

Epidermal steroid injections: This injection includes steroids that are directly applied to the outer side of the dural sac that surrounds the spinal cord. A biography, called fluoroscopy, is used to direct the needle to the correct area. The purpose of the injection is to temporarily relieve pain by reducing inflammation around the compressed nerve root.

Side Effects : Weight Gain

Lower Back Pain - SIde effects - Obesity
Some medications are known to cause weight gain, but that does not mean that if you take one of them, gaining weight is inevitable. If you know that the medications you take may cause you to accumulate pounds, you can take steps to prevent it from happening.
If you suspect that the medicines you take are behind weight, do not quit smoking before you talk to your doctor. "You may have to take this medicine to save your life." You may be able to switch to another drug, including one that can even help you lose weight.

Blood Pressure

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) include medicines used for prescription and non-prescription medications to relieve pain or reduce inflammation-induced conditions such as arthritis. However, NSAIDs may cause your body to retain fluid and reduce kidney function. It can increase blood pressure, putting more pressure on your heart and kidneys.
Lower Back Pain - SIde effects - blood pressure
Since hypertension has no symptoms you can feel, you can hurt without knowledge. These medications pose additional risks for people with high blood pressure. If you take them frequently and at a high enough dose, they can seriously damage your kidneys

Loss of Memory

Loss of memory is a problem that affects most people to a certain extent. It was occasional forgetfulness or short-term loss of memory that hampers everyday life activities. There are many causes of memory loss.
However, many prescription and over-the-counter medications can interfere with or cause memory loss. Possible culprits include: muscle relaxants,  antihistamines, anti-anxiety drugs, sleeping pills,  tranquillizers, antidepressants,  and analgesics given after surgery. Taking anti-histamine medicines, such as antidepressants, antispasmodics, antipsychotics, antibiotics, antihistamines or antihypertensive agents, may affect the level of acetylcholine.
Lower Back Pain - SIde effects - memory loss
Acetylcholine is a major neurotransmitter related to memory and learning. When you have a small acetylcholine, it is very easy to experience memory loss because you cannot focus or think of the right word so quickly.

Sensation of been Cold

The numbness or tingling sensation in the head, known as the head paresthesia, may be related to the feeling of sprain in the head and may be accompanied by a feeling of burning and partial obsequies. This thorn can also extend to the face, ears, mouth, tongue and neck and can be very disturbing.
Lower Back Pain - SIde effects - having cold sensation

Removing nerve circles for pain and certain types of itchiness improves sensitivity to cold, reporters whose results may have consequences for people with chronic pain. Increased coldness followed by hyperthermia is a significant side effect that has limited the use of these drugs in chronic pain associated with multiple sclerosis, cancer and osteoarthritis.

Although the analgesic is usually safe, side effects may occur and may be very serious for some people.


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