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Lower Back Pain : a signal of Premenstrual Syndrome?

Lower back pain - signal of premenstrual
Most women suffer from low back pain during the menstrual cycle. It is common to occurring mild pain when your period is coming. This pain called dysmenorrhea; it is caused by hormones called prostaglandins, which stimulate the uterus to contract. These contractions produce intermittent and convulsive pain. Women usually feel dysmenorrhea in the lower abdomen, but it can also occur in the lower back, hips or thighs. Cramps and pain begin before the menstrual bleeding, so back pain due to dysmenorrhea can begin with hours up to two days before menstruation. It is usually cured on its own by the second or third day of the menstrual cycle.

Lower back pain a symptom of Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur before the start of the menstrual cycle. When lower back pain occurs with the menstrual cycle, it tends to be constant, not cramping. Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including back pain, often begin several days before the onset of the menstrual cycle and usually subside within the first few hours after menstruation.
The exact cause of premenstrual syndrome is unknown, but hormonal changes in the days before the onset of menstruation are likely to play a major role. Back pain during the menstrual cycle may result from an increase in a hormone called relaxin, which causes ligaments to relax. 

When the posterior ligaments are resting, the lower back may lose some of its natural support, which can lead to pain. Also, fluid accumulation and flatulence may contribute to back pain.
You can relieve the lower back pain due to premenstrual syndrome by some physical activities, healthy foods, medicinal herbs, and aromatherapy.

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exercises for lower back pain

Exercise is very important during the menstrual cycle and helps to relieve the pain, so we will learn about exercises to relieve the menstrual pain and lower back pain during premenstrual syndrome and the menstrual cycle. Here some exercises to practice daily when you feel with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome:

- Pasasana exercise
lower back pain - Pasasana exercise
This exercise reduces the pain of the menstrual cycle, relieves the abdominal cramps and lower back pain. You can do it by squat and try to turn your left torso to the right, do this exercise with the switch between the sides while maintaining the spacing between the legs, open the chest, and breathing. Do this exercise for 30:60 seconds on each side. 

- Ustrasana exercise
lower back pain - Ustrasana exercise
This exercise helps in the treatment of abdominal cramps and menstrual pain. Also, it is a benefit in the treatment of back muscle pain and helps to strengthen the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and thighs. Prepare the floor with carpets or bedspreads, sit on your knees, bring the legs together, then bend your upper half with your chest raised and shoulders inward. Put your hands on the heel and breathe regularly. The duration of the exercise is 20 to 60 seconds.

 - Supta Padangusthasana exercise
lower back pain - Supta Padangusthasana exercise
This exercise strengthens the muscles of the thighs, knees, and hamstrings. It Relieves back pain, menstrual cramps, and sciatica pain. Lie on your back, lift the right leg and tilted on your chest, then raise your right hand and touch the fingers of the right leg, make sure that the head and neck are high up. Do this exercise for 1 to 3 minutes, with regular breathing and switching between sides.
Besides these exercises daily, you can practice yoga. It is very effective in relieving menstrual pain and improving lower back pain. By some movements of yoga, you can relieve the stress, pain, and cramps during the menstrual cycle.

Food to relieve lower back pain during the menstrual cycle

- Water
 Drinking enough water (at least 2 liters each day) will speed up your digestion and prevent water retention caused by monthly hormonal changes. In addition to natural drinks that relieve these pains associated with menstruation such as cinnamon, fenugreek, Ginger, Chamomile, fennel, and mint.

- Calcium
Eating calcium-rich foods like (broccoli, yogurt, cabbage, and milk) will fight muscle spasms.

- Leafy vegetables
Eating leafy vegetables is important during the menstrual cycle; it is rich in iron and vitamins, in addition to the fibers that improve digestion problems during the menstrual cycle.

- Fresh fruits
 It improves the digestion problems associated with the menstrual cycle

- Nuts
During the menstrual cycle, you can depend on nuts as a snack. Nuts contain good fats and omega-3 that relieve pain.

- Whole grains
 The fiber in whole grain can relieve pain during this period of the month. Whole grains include complex carbohydrates, which provide important vitamins and minerals to your body that reduce cramps and pain.

You should reduce salt and caffeine during menstrual cycle; avoid canned foods and junk food because they contain a high amount of salt, which causes water retention and bloating. Also, you should reduce the daily intake of coffee, tea, or soda in this period of the month because this irritates the stomach by increasing the acidity of the stomach and intestines, and that will cause cramps.

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Other methods can help you to relieve pain during the menstrual cycle; heating can help you, place a warm compress on the lower back will relieve the pain. Also, taking a warm bath may provide some relief for lower back pain. 
Aromatherapy can help you in relieving menstrual pain, these essential oils act as a natural painkiller without having any side effects like medications. They reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
If the back pain is due to menstruation, ginger oil, lavender oil, and wintergreen oil can help you and relieve back pain. It reduces inflammation and even gives a sense of cold.

Finally, you should take a rest when needed. Avoid smoking and alcohol. Massage the lower back and abdomen. Make sports and a healthy diet a part of your lifestyle to reduce menstrual pain and lower back pain before your period. You should visit your doctor if the lower back pain doesn't disappear after the menstrual cycle.

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